Member FAQ

Common Questions Answered

We are here to try and make it easy, please look through the FAQ’s that may arise at the start of our journey.

I can’t find my Welcome email, what do I do?

Take a look in your spam or junk folder it may be there. If not this is an easy fix. 

Go to

Menu - Member Login

Enter the email you used to sign up as a member and request a new password.

How long will it take after my membership has been validated for my details to appear?

It can take up to 72 hours before your details are shown on the map

I have received my Welcome email, what’s the next step?

Go to - Member Login

Enter the email you used to sign up as a member and your password (received on your Welcome email).

Enter and complete each box to fully optimise your membership.

What details do I need to login?

You will receive your welcome email with the login details and passwords - check your inbox or spam folder just in case. You will use the email added when the account was set up.

Where do I find the login page?

Look in menu under Member login

I have lost my password

No problem, return to Member Login where you can request a new password. You will receive an email with it on.

I don’t have all my details to hand

Thats ok you can return when you have them and work towards fully optimising your membership area.

I’d like to add more than offered, can I upgrade?

Yes you can upgrade at any time 

The different features and costs can be found here, 

once you’ve decided what level you want you can return to your login page, sign in and select what level you would like to upgrade to. 

I’d like to confirm my criteria for the next level

You can confirm what criteria is required here

What happens when it comes to renewing my membership?

You will be sent an reminder, 14 days prior to your renewal date.

What are the benefits between Bronze, Silver and Gold?

You will find the different features listed here

Where do I find the pricing?

Go to

By selecting each level the different costs will appear.

What is the recommended profile image size?

 Image sizes The recommended size of the image for your card is no smaller 300px x 150px. If will accept smaller images however it will automatically resize it to the size required and therefore your image may appear fuzzy. We recommend eliminating any white space around the image as that can make the image appear smaller.

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